Why vote?


People say that they don’t vote because their vote does not count. Well then get off your fat, lazy but and go out and make sure your vote counts. Get involved and help others get involved. We are in the 21st century and we still have to fight to vote. Men and women died giving us the right to vote. They not only died but tortured and suffered so much to make sure we had the right to vote. Don’t spit on their graves, take up where they left off.


Make your voice heard. We are Americans and it is our duty and right to vote. Don’t let anyone tell you other wise. Shout it on the roof tops and don’t let those so called “patriots” stop you. They are not patriots if they don’t let you vote. We are Americans and we will fight to vote.


I hear a lot of people complaining about the Government problems and corruption, that is why we need to take a stand and get involved. Our Founding Fathers did not sit around for someone else to do something, no, they took action. We have a corrupt media service but if we stand up and scream, others will hear our voices. And it all starts with…. a Vote.


No matter who you vote for, stand up and let your vote count. This country was created by the people and it is time we got the useless politicians out of office. As we have a corrupt media service you will need to do lots of research to get the real facts. You need to also stop and look at the other side and listen to them. They have the same rights as you. It is up to us to make laws that will be good for ALL Americans, and not just one group. We need to be fair and take care of each other. We need to make sure everyone has the same rights as everyone else.


The core of all religions are all the same; “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” If we learn to share and compromise, we all can live together. But if you want a future that you can be proud of…. vote. It all starts with one vote.

May whatever God or Goddess you worship bless you and all. May all mankind bless you.

Coriander Bats
